sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

6 comentarios:

  1. The Colombian Conservative Party, is one of the two traditional political parties of Colombia, been founded in 1849 by the gentlemen Mariano Ospina Rodríguez and José Expensive Eusebio.
    It disputed the power with the Colombian Liberal Party from half-filled of the XIX century up to 2002 time in which a system bipartidista prevailed. From their foundation up to 1957 this dispute was framed in the violence political and several civil wars. From the years 1930 up to the 2002 stayed as the second force in the Congress after the Liberal Party, recovering this position in 2010. At the present time, he/she makes part of the coalition that the government of the President supports Juan Manuel Santos.
    Principal exponents of corsevatism: Jose Eusebio Caro and Mariano Ospina Rodriguez

  2. good topic

    I have only one question. All study political science?
    because they chose this subject?

    take care (ARMANDO Severiche)

  3. This topic is very interesting, but if you put only the picture of the Conservative party is delicate because the people think that their preference is this party without putting attention to others: Liberal, De la U, Cambio Radical, and others!!!

    ( Juan Carlos Perez)

  4. the era of bipartisanship in Colombia causes many problems and war, believe this could have been avoided?

  5. as in the time of the Liberals and concervadores, Colombia has an internal conflict there are more even the same social inequalities and the richest movie for power.(sandra pai)

  6. excellent topic
    they think about politics?
    (Dora Aristizabal)
